Let's get to know each other

Kapantai Eleftheria Maria

Επιστήμονας & Τεχνολόγος Τροφίμων ΑΠΘ, Σύμβουλος Βιομηχανίας

Eleftheria holds a degree in Food Science and Technology from the Faculty of Agriculture at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, specializing as a Food Scientist. 

In the realm of Production Organization, as a Food Business Consultant, she specializes in developing new products and refining recipes to enhance efficiency.

She is dedicated to researching and applying science-driven solutions across various products, showcasing specialized knowledge, particularly within the dairy industry. 

She aims to engage with fellow professionals and producers, seeking avenues to collaborate on innovative projects and discovering fresh opportunities. 

In each distinct collaboration, she embodies the core values of expertise, professionalism, ethics, and unwavering consistency.